Briarcrest N’hood Assoc. election of officers

Coming right up — the next monthly meeting of the Briarcrest Neighborhood Association, 7:00-8:30, Tuesday, May 9, at Patty Pan, 15550 27th Ave NE.  One important agenda item: election of officers for 2017-18.

For Director: Jean Hilde-Fulghum has been the Director of the revitalized Briarcrest Neighborhood Association for the past two years. She’s enjoyed working with her fellow BNA team members and other Briarcrest neighbors on the BNA’s Storytelling Evenings, the Summer Picnic, welcoming new neighbors to Briarcrest, and starting the process of establishing an emergency hub for the neighborhood. She hopes to continue working on fun projects such as the BNA’s Storytelling Workshop in July (sponsored by a Shoreline/LFP Arts Council Grant) and a City of Shoreline mini-grant to create Briarcrest neighborhood yard signs, and to continue enjoying monthly meetings with the BNA leadership team.

For Assistant Director: Alice Keller has served as Assistant Director for the past year. She was the editor of the newsletter for 3 years before that, served as the BNA representative to the Shoreline Council of Neighborhoods in 2014-15, and revised the bylaws with Jean and Devra in 2015. She helped to organize the BNA’s two grant-funded storytelling events last year and is enthusiastic about our ongoing monthly evenings. Alice is a retired community college teacher and has lived in Briarcrest since 2008.

For Secretary: Devra Gartenstein landed in Briarcrest early in 2014 when she moved her business, Patty Pan Cooperative, into the old Sunshine Grocery. She’s an avid cook and eater, and is especially excited about building community by sharing food. In 2015, Devra worked on revising BNA bylaws. She has been the BNA Secretary since 2015.

For Treasurer: Sarah Kaye has lived in Briarcrest for 10 years. She enthusiastically organizes the City Council Candidates’ Debate Night every two years. Sarah has served as the BNA Treasurer

BNA Storytelling Evening

Friday, May 5, 7:00-9:00, at Amy and Jon Anscher’s home, 16010 25th Ave NE.

These friendly, informal events are becoming quite popular! You can just enjoy listening or come prepared to tell a story, which can be something from your life or something entirely different, such as a folk tale. The length should be no more than 5 to 7 minutes, so it’s advised to practice and time yourself beforehand. For those who are new at storytelling, practicing also gives more confidence and helps to focus the story.

Teens are encouraged to participate, and we love hearing stories from non-native speakers of English, too. Bring a snack to share if you like.

These evenings are scheduled on the first Friday of odd-numbered months.